From Broken Relationship To Job Loss: How To Bounce Back From Your Setbacks, Writes Shiv Khera (ABP)

From Broken Relationship To Job Loss: How To Bounce Back From Your Setbacks, Writes Shiv Khera (ABP)

Failures are merely detours on your path to success; they do not mark the end of your journey.

Shiv Khera, popular motivational speaker and best selling author of books like “You Can Win” and “Living With Honour”, held the audience captive with his charm and eloquence at the launch of his latest offering “You Can Achieve More: Live by Design, Not by Default” (Bloomsbury) at New Delhi’s NCUI auditorium, recently. His new book, which is a result of “15 years of hard labour,” is purposed to serve as a blueprint to unlock the limitless potential that resides within each individual regardless of intelligence, education or skill. Through an engaging and thought-provoking speech, he gave an overview of what he wished to convey through his work.

As the title of the book suggests, he urged readers to “live by design and not by default”. According to Khera, individuals who live by design, lead a life filled with happiness and well being by taking control of their own circumstances. On the other hand, a life lived by default is marred with guilt, remorse and resentment. “A person with a positive attitude cannot be stopped and a person with a negative attitude cannot be helped, therefore to change the reality we should first change our mentality.”

He laid special emphasis on five types of strengths that are essential for attaining and sustaining success, namely – physical, financial, mental, emotional and spiritual. Khera elaborated upon each strength. First of all, he said that a healthy body is a necessary prerequisite for all our endeavours in life thus physical strength is something that should never be ignored. Financial strength pertains to wealth and financial security, and contrary to the general understanding that money can’t buy happiness. He asserted that money earned through fair means did, in fact, brought happiness. “Mental strength and fortitude keeps us from drowning in the tides of hardships and when it comes to emotional strength, relationships are of prime importance. A person who lacks healthy relationships is emotionally bankrupt and such an emotionally unstable person is never to be trusted.” Lastly, he said, spiritual strength was something that provided us a moral compass and a strong value system that always kept us on track.

Delving deeper into his thesis, Khera me

Life has a habit of throwing us curve balls when we least expect them. Whether it is a failed project, a broken relationship, a job loss, or any other setback, we all experience life moments that put our resilience to the test. But remember that failures do not spell the end; rather, they present opportunities for growth and change.

All success stories are stories of great failures. It is easy to recover from these setbacks; all you need to do is make up your mind to do it and remember these instructions:

Accept Reality

Acknowledging a setback is the first step in recovering from it. Nothing will be accomplished by denial. Face your circumstances head-on. Recognize that everyone encounters obstacles in life; they are a natural part of it. Avoid dwelling on the past or punishing yourself for it. Accept what has happened, and make the decision to move on. Learn from past setbacks. Failure is a detour more than a dead end.
Make a Mindset Shift

How you view setbacks will greatly affect how you respond to them. Take the opportunity to grow and learn from setbacks rather than viewing them as failures. Think of them as stepping stones on the path to your ultimate success. Replace your “I can’t” mentality with “I will” thinking. Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome any challenge that arises. Positive thinking does not guarantee success. Positive Thinking with a Positive mindset increases our probability of gaining success.

Accept Responsibility

When setbacks occur, it is critical to accept responsibility for the actions and decisions that resulted in the setback. You will never be able to recover by blaming other people or outside factors. Accepting responsibility gives you the power to make the necessary adjustments and keeps you from making the same errors again in the future.

Establish Clear Goals

To get back on track after a setback, establish goals that are both clear and attainable. Make a list of your goals and a plan for how to get there. Divide your objectives into more manageable, smaller steps. This will provide you with a sense of purpose and direction, allowing you to stay motivated and focused.

Build Resilience

Overcoming setbacks requires resilience. You can build it by taking care of yourself, keeping a positive attitude, and surrounding yourself with people who care about you. Remember, setbacks are only temporary; your resilience is permanent.

Learn from Your Setbacks

Every setback teaches you something new. Consider what went wrong and why as you reflect. Find the areas where you can develop and improve. Take advantage of your newfound understanding to make sure you come out of setbacks stronger and wiser than before.

Seek Help

You do not have to face setbacks by yourself. Reach out to close friends, loved ones, or mentors who can provide direction, inspiration, and a new point of view. Sharing your feelings and experiences with others can be incredibly cathartic and give you the inspiration you need to get better.

Take Action

When faced with a setback, it is critical to act. Do not dwell on your misery or hope for a miraculous turnaround. Actively address the situation and take the required actions to proceed. Remember that action is the antidote to despair.

Celebrate Small Wins

As you recover from setbacks, remember to recognise and appreciate your accomplishments, no matter how minor they may seem. You will feel more confident and motivated to keep moving forward toward success if you acknowledge your progress.

Stay Flexible & Adapt

Life is unpredictable, and setbacks often come with unexpected twists and turns. If your original plans are no longer feasible, do not hold on to them. Be open to trying new tactics and approaches if they can help you achieve your objectives. Your ability to adapt is a valuable asset that can make it easier and more successful for you to overcome obstacles.

Failures are merely detours on your path to success; they do not mark the end of your journey. Accept them, take lessons from them, and use them as stepping stones to advance. You can overcome any setback that life hands you if you have the right attitude, willpower, and support.

So maintain your composure and meet your setbacks with unwavering resolve and strength. Keep in mind that setbacks come and go, but your resolve and willpower will last forever. You have the ability to recover more powerfully than ever.

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